This May, Say “Yes!” To A New Machine Made Area Rug

Whether your style leans towards bold abstracts, intricate medallions and patterns, or contemporary color schemes, we have the machine made rug to match your taste! An 8″x10″ and 9″x12″ machine made area rug (polypropylene rug) offers the expanded coverage you need to transform your favorite spaces into relaxing getaways. (Plus, they provide a warm, cushioned surface to rest your feet on once you crank that AC unit!)

These high quality machine made rugs capture the same beauty and detail of hand-knotted rugs, with the added bonuses of being:
• Durable: Even in a family home stuffed with pets and kids, these rugs will hold up to foot traffic.
• Easy to clean: No one wants a difficult to clean floor cover. These polypropylene rugs are stain resistant for easy maintenance.
• Protective: Extend the life of hardwood flooring in high-traffic spaces by laying a rug to protect against general wear and tear, scratches, and dents.

May this month be the month you say “Yes!” to new floor decor. Find your perfect match with a machine made rug like Tift Tuesday pick, “Oushak SM-787!”

Shop online and ship anywhere in the USA.

Oushak SM-787

7’6″ x 9’6″ $575.00
8’6″ x 11″6′ $775.00

Get an 8"x10" and 9"x12" machine made area rug for the expanded coverage you need to transform your favorite spaces into relaxing getaways.

Find A Machine Made Area Rug For Your Home

Get an 8"x10" and 9"x12" machine made area rug for the expanded coverage you need to transform your favorite spaces into relaxing getaways.

Oushak SM-788
7’6″ x 9’6″ $575.00
8’6″ x 11″6′ $775.00

Oushak Rug-754
7’6″ x 9’6″ $900.00
8’6″ x 11″6′ $1,225.00

Oushak Rug-748
7’6″ x 9’6″ $900.00
8’6″ x 11″6′ $1,225.00

Oushak Rug-755
7’6″ x 9’6″ $900.00
8’6″ x 11″6′ $1,225.00

Modern (Desert)
7’9″ x 9’9″ $350.00
8’7″ x 11″6′ $450.00

Modern (Ebony/Multi)
7’9″ x 9’9″ $350.00
8’7″ x 11″6′ $450.00

Modern (Aqua/Zinc)
7’9″ x 9’9″ $350.00
8’7″ x 11″6′ $450.00

Zeno (Ebony/Sunflower)
7’7″ x 9’7″ $600.00
8’7″ x 11″6′ $825.00

Zeno (Onyx)
7’7″ x 9’7″ $600.00
8’7″ x 11″6′ $825.00

Since 1892, David Tiftickjian & Sons has been family owned and operated, and we couldn’t be more proud!
Over the last 130+ years we have accumulated a stunning array of new, used, antique, and vintage rugs from across the globe. We’re excited to say part of our current inventory is available to browse or purchase online.

To view our full inventory of one-of-a-kind rugs, we invite you to visit our Downtown Buffalo or Williamsville showrooms.