Routinely swapping your rugs with the seasons extends their longevity by reducing exposure to general wear and tear. You could simply move a rug from a high traffic area, like a living room, to a low traffic area, like a spare bedroom. Or you could replace it and put the old one in storage until you’re ready to swap again!
Rugs like “Spice Market Deir Aquamarine” by Karastan have a beautiful blue hue that reminds us of summer skies, exotic beaches, and refreshing pools. Embrace the blue and contact David Tiftickjian and Sons today to find the perfect Karastan rug for your home. From a small 2’x3′ area rug for the front door, to a round rug for under your breakfast table, to an expansive 12’x15′ for a living room, we have the perfect size to fit any space!
Featured Karastan Rug: Spice Market Deir Aquamarine