Mother’s Day Gift Idea: A Stunning Area Rug!

Mother's Day Gift Idea: A beautiful Balouch area rug from David Tiftickjian & Sons.

Looking for a last minute Mother’s Day gift? Light and dark combine for a beautiful area rug that brings color, dimension, and character into any room in this Tift Tuesday pick!

“NEW 3FT. X 4FT. TRANSITIONAL BALOUCH” is as practical to use as it is pretty to look at. This new hand-knotted rug comes at an incredible price for anyone buying on a budget. (Just $170!)

Balouch rugs are known for their small sizes, dark colors, and geometric/tribal motifs. It’s the perfect accent rug for a minimalist decor style or for placing in the front entrance of your home.

Browse more Balouch and other one-of-a-kind rugs at our Downtown Buffalo or Williamsville showrooms.

Mother's Day Gift Idea: A beautiful Balouch area rug from David Tiftickjian & Sons.
Mother's Day Gift Idea: A beautiful Balouch area rug from David Tiftickjian & Sons.