The Benefits of Wilton Weave Carpet

  • Post category:Carpeting
One style of carpet that may catch your eye as you shop for new residential flooring is Wilton Weave Carpet!

Carpet comes in a variety of styles like berber, sisal, and shag. One style of carpet that may catch your eye as you shop for new residential flooring is Wilton Weave Carpet! One of the oldest styles of manufactured carpet, the Wilton Weave originated in Wilton, England. This unique pile carpet is known for its body, resilience, and quality. Wall-to-wall carpet can better insulate your favorite spaces and provides a continuous cushioned surface. Perfect for a bedroom, nursery, or playroom!

Wilton Weave carpet is:

  • Long-lasting
  • Durable
  • Versatile
  • Easy to clean
  • A natural insulator

Wilton Weave carpet makes it easy to find a luxurious floorcover that matches your design aesthetic and stays within budget.

Interested in getting new broadloom carpet for your home? Contact the flooring professionals at David Tiftickjian & Sons today!

Featured Wilton Weave Carpet: Fabulous (Relaxing) by Kane Carpet

One style of carpet that may catch your eye as you shop for new residential flooring is Wilton Weave Carpet!

Residential Carpet Inquiry